Clone Bitly (URL Shortener)
In this project, we aimed at cloning the popular URL shortening service, "". I have tried my best to clone the website as well as I could. This website is fully responsive with the help of Bootstrap 4. Python powers the backend of the website.
This website was a team project, which we created for the Web development hackathon organized by "JetBrains". There were two members in the team including me and I was the team leader. I developed the whole backend of the website, and for that, I used the Flask framework of Python.
I implemented the logic to shorten the given URL and then expand them back when requested. I also created a separate dashboard for every user which the users can use to view the performance of the links shortened by them. For a particular link, I saved the location and click count whenever that link is opened anywhere in the world.
We won the First prize in this hackathon for the theme "Learn By Clone".
Github Repository:
Tech Stack:
- Python3
- Flask
- HTML, CSS, Javascript/jquery
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite3
- Chart.js
- Heroku
- Ajax